Sunday, January 1, 2012

Behind the scenes with Dana

I grew up believing that my life would pan out in stages; diploma, degree, job, house, marriage, kids. I quickly realized that life is anything but probable. I'm 30 years old, I have a degree, I work three jobs, and I live at home. I've lived with my parents on and off since I started college in 1999. Sometimes it's a huge pain in the ass; my life is in Louisville, approx. 45 minutes away from home and my jobs and friends are there too. My living situation may be inconvenient at times, but I don't mind. It saves me money, affords me the time to work on personal projects, and keeps me out of signing a lease. Fortunately, my parents are two of the coolest parents I know; their support is immeasurable.

I assumed going into this project that adults living with their parents is majorly a result of our country's unstable economy. It didn't take long for me to realize my assumption was far from the truth. Moving back in with the parental figures is a unorthodox decision that is quickly transforming into a conventional one. All of my portrait subjects have different reasons for choosing to live with their parents again, and they were all very open about sharing their stories with me. Peeling back the layers of a person's story is a process that brings me great joy. Like a sponge with water, I absorbed everything they told me; i wanted to know more and more.

Moving back in with my parents in September was a decision I was hesitant to make for various reasons, but I knew the decision wasn't going to be the end of my world. After doing so, I quickly took notice at how many other adults are living with their parents too. When the staff of THIS… had our first meeting, we were each responsible for bringing a project idea to the table. I thought a portrait series on adults living at home was a neat idea, but I didn't know how well the idea would be received. I needed the confidence to stop questioning my creativity and follow my journalistic instincts. The response was enormously positive. Maggie, my colleagues, and my mom were a huge support system for me throughout this project and I can't thank them enough.

(This is one of Dana's out takes. Due to space we couldn't fit it in the first issue of THIS...)

Jeff O'Field, 22, of Shepherdsville, Ky., has lived with his parents since graduating from Asbury College with a Spanish degree in May, 2011. After spending a semester at sea, O'Field reluctantly moved back into his parent's house. Currently working as a server at Proof on Main, O'Field is paying off his student loans and figuring out what to do next. When asked about living with his parents, O'Field replied, "It's not what I want to be doing, for sure. It kind of feels like I'm going backwards."